
What do I know?

Anorexia. Let's see here.
What do I know?

I know that women are more prone to develop eating disorders than males.
However, I know that there are nearly one million (?) males in the United States suffering from an eating disorder. I know that anorexia is a mental disorder and I know that anorexia is a lifelong battle. I know that anorexics often suffer from depression and anxiety. I know that anorexics suffer from an extremely distorted body image.

Honestly, when it comes to the facts about anorexia, I don't know much. I don't know statistics, but I know more about anorexia than you might think. I know the symptoms of an eating disorder, and I know what it can do to people because I've known girls that have suffered from eating disorders.

I'm a dancer, and Ballerinas are definitely more prone to develop eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia to satisfy ourselves our our teachers. We are all surrounded all day every day by "perfect" and "imperfect" body images, and you either fit the mold or you don't. If you don't fit, you're self conscious and most girls tend to try to crash diet and develop unhealthy habits to try and fit that "perfect ballerina" body mold.

I dance at what is called a "pre-professional" level. People go to Ballet Royale to become professional dancers, and if you don't have the right body, girls will do just about anything to get one. Almost all of my dance friends I can guarantee have crash dieted or struggled with their body images almost once in their dance training...

and that's so scary.

1 comment:

William Tell said...

ERB, watch your spelling. You may want to have a peer read over a post before posting it.
Also, sharing that you're a dancer is fine...especially since it sounds as though you'll be able to pull from your experiences concerning this topic, and that this topic is revelant to you personally. I do throw a word of caution to you, though, about sharing any personal information beyond that. You can reflect upon experiences, but hold off with sharing people's names. That kind of thing.